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Understanding slices

Slices are flexible and efficient, but their implementation has some quirky behaviours, leading to unexpected results.

Let us see how they really work and how to avoid running into problems.

How to code a SMTP service

Sometimes a service needs to handle inbound emails, not just HTTP requests

In this presentation, we shall see how to write an SMTP service, using just the Go stdlib and one complementary package.

How to debug a second test run ?

Some tests may only fail the second time you run them, but the integrated debugging in GoLand will only run them once by default.

How can we use it to debug them?

CLI commands with google/subcommands

How to create CLI programs with multiple commands, flags and subcommands, and how to do it fast and simply?

google/subcommands makes it a breeze.

Let us see how.

How to plot Go test coverage over time

The Go SDK has been including test coverage reports since Go 1.2.

How can we obtain a time graph of test coverage, without needing a SaaS service?

Bundling templates with embed

Resource embedding tools like embed allow developers to include static assets and other unpublished files like templates in their executable programs.

Let’s see how.