Understanding slices

Slices sharing a common backing array
Image credits: fgm@osinet.fr

Slices are flexible and efficient, but their implementation has some quirky behaviours, leading to unexpected results.

Let us see how they really work and how to avoid running into problems.

Understanding slices

A couple of days ago, this answer appeared on my X feed:

An unexpected consequence of the semantics of append() in Go https://x.com/likely_a_DFS/status/1793399293312966777

It made me wonder whether the internal operation of slices is actually well known by many Go developers, especially beginners. I figured that would make for an interesting explanation, so here we go, line by line.

What’s in a slice, really ?

The actual runtime implementation of slices lives in runtime/slice.go :

type slice struct {
array unsafe.Pointer
len   int
cap   int

The runtime also defines a runtime.notInHeapSlice similar type, for limited use cases outside the control of the garbage collector. These two equivalent types, both of which represent slices at run time, carry no method, and are hence just plain three-field structs :

  • a pointer, either using the public unsafe.Pointer type, or the runtime-internal notInHeap type
  • len: the slice length as elements, not bytes
  • cap: the slice capacity as elements too. It is always larger than or equal to len.

The expected

We will be going through that code fragment, one statement at a time, and see how the memory allocation changes with each instruction. The explanation is taken from both tracing the runtime code and checking the generated assembly code on Go 1.22.4 for arm64, amd64, wasm, loong64, and ibm390 for consistency.

Create a slice from a literal

sliceA := []int{1, 2, 3}

  • builds the slice manually at compile time:
  • allocates an object:
    • runtime.newobject(typ)
    • where typ.Size == 24 and typ.Kind_ == abi.Array
    • so this is an array for 24 bytes = 3 64-bit integers,
  • initializes a runtime.slice structure as :
    • the allocated result, for the array unsafe.Pointer field
    • len == 3
    • cap == 3
    • and the 3 literal integers 1, 2, and 3

sliceA has both len and cap equal to 3

Append a single element to a full slice

Our sliceA is full, meaning its len equals its cap. We create sliceB by appending a single int to sliceA :

sliceB := append(sliceA, 4)

  • grows the slice invoking runtime.growslice with
    • oldPtr from the existing slice pointer
    • newLen == 4 because we append one value
    • oldCap == 3 which is the current slice capacity
    • num == 1 which is the number of elements being appended
  • internally, growslice
    • invokes runtime.nextslicecap to get the capacity the appended slice needs, getting twice the existing capacity because our slice is small enough
    • does some checks and concludes that the proper newCap is indeed 6 64-bits integers, hence 48 bytes
    • accordingly, allocates a new 48 bytes space
    • clears the part of that space that will not be copied over from the old slice using runtime.memclrNoHeapPointers
    • copies the values in the old array to the new space using runtime.memmove
    • returns a new runtime.slice instance allocated from that new space, the received newLen and adjusted newCap.
  • sliceB is full too, and sliceA is unchanged.

appending one element allocates a new four-element backing array for sliceB

Append a single element to a full slice - again

If we do it again to add a different element to sliceA, the same mechanism happens :

sliceC := append(sliceA, 5)

  • goes through the same motions, allocating a new space for the slice array too
  • sliceC is full too, and sliceA is still unchanged.

appending one element allocates a new four-element backing array for sliceC

Update an element in the append-ed slice

sliceC[0] = 0

  • modifies the first int in the (new) array backing sliceC
  • because that array is not shared, nothing happens to sliceA and sliceB.

overwriting element 0 in sliceC does not modify sliceA and sliceB

Which gives us the first set of results, which pretty much any developer would expect.

fmt.Println(sliceA) // prints [1 2 3]
fmt.Println(sliceB) // prints [1 2 3 4]
fmt.Println(sliceC) // prints [0 2 3 5]

The unexpected

For the second set, the results are a bit different because of the way the initialization is performed.

Create a slice by appending an element to a slice literal

This time, instead of using a three-element slice literal, we will initialize our slice by appending an element to a two-element slice literal instead.

sliceD := append([]int{1, 2}, 3)

  • builds the []int{1, 2} slice manually at compile time, following the same steps as the one initializing sliceA
  • at this point, the slice has cap == len == 2
  • now the append happens the same way it did to build sliceB and sliceC, resulting in slice []int{1, 2, 3} now having a double-size backing array, hence 4 bytes, not just three like sliceA did

appending an element to a two-element slice doubles the size of its backing array to four, leaving one unused slot in sliceD

Append a single element to a non-full slice

Our sliceD is not full, meaning its len is strictly less that its cap (3 vs 4). We create sliceE by appending a single int to sliceD :

sliceE := append(sliceD, 4)

  • here, however, the compiler is smart enough to generate code checking whether the size of the backing array in sliceD is less than 4 before invoking growslice
  • because the array is actually of size 4, that call is omitted and the existing array is reused, code only setting the value 4 in the last position of that array
  • the new slice reuses that array as its backing store
  • sliceD and sliceE are now sharing that same array with contents [1 2 3 4]

appending to sliceD uses the remaining slot, not allocating a new backing array for sliceE

Append a single element to a non-full slice - again

If we do it again to add a different element to sliceD, the same mechanism happens :

sliceF := append(sliceD, 5)

  • the same compiler check again notices that the backing array has length 4, so a call to growslice is not needed either
  • the new slice reuses that array as its backing store, just like sliceD and sliceE
  • code then sets the value 4 in the last position of that array to 5, meaning all three slices are backed with array [1 2 3 5]

appending to sliceD uses the remaining slot, not allocating a new backing array for sliceF either

Update an element in the append-ed slice

sliceF[0] = 0

  • because this is just an in-place update, the code sets position 0 in the array backing sliceF, making it contain [0 2 3 5]
  • but because that array is also the backing store for sliceD and sliceE they also get that same update.

overwriting element 0 in sliceF modifies the backing array shared with sliceD and sliceE

And that is how we get these possibly surprising results:

fmt.Println(sliceD) // prints [0 2 3]
fmt.Println(sliceE) // prints [0 2 3 5]
fmt.Println(sliceF) // prints [0 2 3 5]

The cautious ways

The slices.Clip function

Now, if you do not want to care about what is really going on, and prefer having a little bit of extra work done by your code, there are solutions, and one of those is mentioned by the author of the initial post:

using slices.Clip removes extra capacity in slices https://x.com/likely_a_DFS/status/1793629501911609691

So, how does slices.Clip work around this problem, exactly ?

As its documentation says, Clip removes unused capacity from the slice.

In this example, our problem stems from the fact that we initialized sliceD with some extra capacity, thus allowing the subsequent append() calls to reuse the backing array for sliceD unchanged.

appending an element to a two-element literal slice extends its capacity to four instead of three

Now, we could either have avoided that extra capacity by building the slice like we did for sliceA. But sometimes, we have to extend slices we receive and do not control their prexisting backing array.

In such a case, we could write something like

package main

import (

func main() {
	sliceD := append([]int{1, 2}, 3)
	sliceD = slices.Clip(sliceD)
	sliceE := append(sliceD, 4)
	sliceF := append(sliceD, 5)
	sliceF[0] = 0

	fmt.Println(sliceD) // prints [1 2 3]
	fmt.Println(sliceE) // prints [1 2 3 4]
	fmt.Println(sliceF) // prints [0 2 3 5]

Now, with that extra slices.Clip call, our memory model changes:

appending an element to a two-element slice doubles its capacity, but calling slices.Clip truncates it at len three

And with that we are back at the exact same situation as we had for sliceA and we get the expected results: sliceD, sliceE, and sliceF all have independent backing arrays.

The “full slice expression”

Now, could we have done without that extra function call , especially considering that slices.Clip uses generics ?

See, slices.Clip is actually a tiny function. As it currently exists in Go 1.22.4:

// Clip removes unused capacity from the slice, returning s[:len(s):len(s)].
func Clip[S ~[]E, E any](s S) S {
	return s[:len(s):len(s)]

That slicing syntax with two colons is what the Go spec call a full slice expression . It performs both slicing and truncation of the backing array.

So we could just as well have written our clipping ourselves:

package main

import (

func main() {
	sliceD := append([]int{1, 2}, 3)
	sliceD = sliceD[:len(sliceD):len(sliceD)] // Full slice expression
	sliceE := append(sliceD, 4)
	sliceF := append(sliceD, 5)
	sliceF[0] = 0

	fmt.Println(sliceD) // prints [1 2 3]
	fmt.Println(sliceE) // prints [1 2 3 4]
	fmt.Println(sliceF) // prints [0 2 3 5]

And that’s it: no extra import, no generic function call. But since that complete form of the slicing operator appears to be so little known among Go developers, using the slices.Clip function may be a better choice for code readability.